At Vaulte, we understand the importance of trust. Shopping for pre-owned luxury items isn't easy. The resale industry is plagued by sellers of counterfeit luxury handbags, so it is essential that we only partner with experts who are skilled in the science of authentication.

Vaulte has the upmost respect and appreciation for all the original designers featured on our site and we stand unified in having a ZERO-tolerance policy for fakes and replicas.

We do not purchase, sell, customize, or endorse in any way, any item that is not a genuine authentic product.

Before any item is posted to the Vaulte website, it is thoroughly reviewed and inspected to ensure that their details meet the manufacturers’ established standards of quality in stamping, stitching, hardware, authenticity stamps, date codes, serial number (where applicable), materials, and craftsmanship.

Vaulte is independent from any brand affiliation. Brands are not responsible for any product purchased from Vaulte and they cannot guarantee the authenticity. None of the brands sold assume any responsibility from any products purchased from or by Vaulte. Vaulte will never sell or customize counterfeit merchandise.

We stand behind our authenticity promise with a full-money back guarantee.


Our goal is to offer a safe shopping experience for our customers. If any item purchased from our site is deemed inauthentic by a well-recognized authentication expert, we will take it back and offer a full refund, including all shipping costs. Documentation from a well reputed source stating their findings is required.

  1. Contact a trained authentication expert to have your item authenticated. Provide a written statement of the findings. We will pay for the authentication if deemed not to be authentic.
  2. Send statement to Vaulte via email
  3. We will contact the authenticator to discuss their findings. If the final determination is the item is found to be inauthentic, we will issue a prepaid return shipping label and refund shipping and authentication costs.

We are committed to making your pre owned luxury shopping safe and enjoyable. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

*Please note: The sales associates at the designer stores are not trained in authentications and are usually unfamiliar with vintage or past styles. Authenticity claims provided by sales associates will not be accepted.

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